The following are MPLT Resolutions. Please click on the link at the right to download.

Resolution Summary Download
08-01 A resolution is to consider and approve the reduction of the interest rate of the MPLT loan portfolio. PDF Document Download
08-03 A Resolution in terms of making an investment in the Commonwealth Utilities Corporation... PDF Document Download
09-01 A Resolution Approving Modifications and Revisions to the MPLT Home Loan Program... PDF Document Download
09-05 Board of Trustees approval of the purchase of land suitable for the construction of an office building... PDF Document Download
09-06 A Resolution to re-balance and undertake an asset allocation of the portfolio of the MPLT Funds Corpus... PDF Document Download
09-07 A Resolution to inform the municipality of Tinian of terms and conditions MPLT would require... PDF Document Download
10-01 A Resolution authorizing any two Trustees to issue instructions with Citigroup Global Markets Inc... PDF Document Download
10-02 Approval of Service Agreement with International Management Limited... PDF Document Download
10-03 A Resolution approving further policy conditions relating to the MPLT Home Loan Program... PDF Document Download
10-04 The accounting records of MPLT shall be adjusted to reflect and include all unrestricted funds... PDF Document Download
10-05 To adopt a policy on any debts/advances owed to MPLT by Trustees, staff, or consultants... PDF Document Download
10-06 A Resolution to adopt ERISA Section 405 and 406 (b)(3) as to MPLT fiduciary policy... PDF Document Download
10-07 To amend 10-07 on MPLT's Investment Promissory Note with CUC to invest an additional $4M... PDF Document Download
10-08 A Resolution to recognize the previous loan to the Commonwealth Utilities Corporation... PDF Document Download
10-10-A-2 A Resolution approving further policy conditions relating to the MPLT Home Loan Program... PDF Document Download
10-12 A Resolution approving last recourse measures for delinquent borrowers PDF Document Download
11-05 A Resolution to approve an investment with the Commonwealth Development Authority... PDF Document Download
12-1-A A $4.58 million line of credit to CHCC... PDF Document Download
12-2 The MPLT Trustees have as their constitutional mandate the prudent management and stewardship of funds PDF Document Download
16-001 A Resolution authorizing investment with Tinian municipality - $1.349 million PDF Document Download
16-002 A Resolution establishing reasonable compensation of a Trustee for work services performed for MPLT... PDF Document Download
17-001-A A Trustee Compensation PDF Document Download
19-001-A Investment amended resolution - To enter into a loan agreement with the CNMI Government PDF Document Download
19-003 Mortgage Loan Servicing Agreement with City Trust Bank PDF Document Download
20-001 Resolution approving a 90-day deferment on home loan due to COVID-19 PDF Document Download
22-001 A Resolution Authorizing An Investment for $1,398,245.00 with Tinian Shipping LLC, under MPLT DLI. PDF Document Download

A Resolution to revise and update the MPLT Investment Policy to Segregate the CNMI General Fund and American Memorial Park Funds due to Different Investment Goals and Strategies and for other purposes.

PDF Document Download 
24-001  A Resolution for Line of Credit Agreement with the CNMI Government, under PL 32-12.  PDF Document Download

A resolution to establish and implement a policy to allocate direct indirect costs and expenses between the general fund trust and the American Memorial Park fund trust.

 PDF Document Download


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